
New updates and improvements to BetterFeedback.

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Feedback filters

Feedback filters

We've added filters to the Feedback. It can sometimes be useful to filter out feedback for a specific tag, or source. You can combine, modify, and search filters.

Tag & Tag Groups colors

You can change the color of tags and tag groups to better visualize them in charts.

Fixes & improvements

  • Improved the styles of the "New analysis" modal.
  • Open the "New analysis" modal using the "Cmd + k" shortcut on the keyboard.
  • Improved and fixed the onboarding guide.
  • It's possible to manually delete the feedback notes.
  • Pagination will not show up when there are less than 10 items in the table.
  • Fixed an issue when connecting data sources.
  • Improved the flow of Intercom data source connection.
  • Display recent analyses on the Home page.
  • Wrap tags in the Analyses table.
  • Set pointer cursor on feedback note.